Selling with Paperless Payments on eBay

As of October 20, 2008, sellers will need
to offer credit card payments through
an internet merchant account, PayPal,
or ProPay, all of which will be
integrated into checkout in
early 2009.

As of October 20th, 2008 checks and
money orders are no longer allowed
on eBay. Learn the details of the actual
policy. Electronic payment methods
such as a credit card, PayPal, or
pre-paid cards are deemed acceptable.

Accepted Payments Policy

To make sure buyers on eBay are
offered safe, convenient online payment
options is one reason why sellers’ listings
can offer buyers only the payment
methods allowed on eBay.

Payment methods allowed on eBay:

Sellers must offer to accept one or
more of the following payment choices:

* PayPal
* Credit or debit card processed
through an Internet
merchant account
* ProPay

Payment methods not allowed on eBay:

Sellers can't ask buyers to:
* Mail them cash
* Send cash or money orders
through instant cash transfer
services (non-bank, point-to-point
cash transfers) like
Western Union or MoneyGram
* Mail checks or money orders (except
for items in categories specifically
permitted above)
* Pay through bank-to-bank transfers
(except for items in categories
specifically permitted above)
* Pay by "topping off" of a seller's
prepaid credit or debit card
* Payment using online payment methods
not specifically permitted
in this policy
* Payment using payment methods
not listed in this policy

Being clear about what payment
methods are accepted:

Sellers must clearly state the payment
methods they accept, and can’t make
generalized statements or ask buyers
to contact them for additional payment
methods. Sellers can’t offer a payment
method to some buyers and not to
others, discourage buyers from using
a certain payment method, or ask
buyers to pay using a method not
mentioned in the Payment Details
section of the original listing.
This applies not only to listings,
but to all transaction-related
correspondence between a
seller and buyer.

Violations of this policy could
result in a range of
actions including:

* Listing cancellation
* Forfeit of eBay fees
on cancelled listings
* Limits on account privileges
* Loss of PowerSeller status
* Account suspension

More details about this policy can be found here.

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