5 Steps to Building a Better Blog

Step 1: Create an Amazing About Page
A Persuasive, Benefit-Driven Headline
shows what you and your site can do for them.

A Short, Reassuring Benefit-Driven Introduction
to learn how your site can help them.

Reassure your readers that they’re in the right place.
Tell them exactly what your site will give them, and what it will do for them.

Social Proof, Testimonials, And Other Reassurance
promises and reader-focused copy, adding a few testimonials, and reassurance will help your readers realize they’re in the right place.

Your Personal Story.
Share your personal story, remember, people are there to learn about you and what you can do for them. Share information about your personal life—like marriage, kids, and etc.
That’s one way you can bond with people who visit your site.

The Closer,
ask people to take some form of action when they’re done reading your content.
You can launch into a description of some of your products or services.
You can also ask them to subscribe to your blog.

Step 2: Fix Your Blog’s Sidebar
#1 A Persuasive Call-To-Action
either put an email sign up form at the top or an ad

#2 Links to Resource Pages
Link to your best, information-packed resource pages
right below your main call to action.

#3 Links to Popular Articles

What NOT to Put In Your Blog Sidebar
#1 Stinkin’ Badges
You might include a badge of some marketing award,
but unless people know who issues that award, chances are they don’t care.
However, if you get recognition from something like Time magazine, or Forbes,
or something major like that, a badge from their site might be worth while.

#2 Your Twitter Stream
If you put your Twitter stream in your sidebar, you’re sending people away from site.
That’s backwards, avoid the Twitter stream at all costs.

#3 Links to every social media profile
If you present every single social media profile that you have on your sidebar, people won’t click on any of them.
So, instead, pick one or two social media networks to promote, and only link to them.
(Personally, I’m against linking to social media websites at all on your sidebar, but in some industries I recognize this is necessary. Especially if you’re dealing with business to consumer).

Step 3: Write your articles with keywords in mind…
The goal is to take your regular content, and just keep a keyword in the back of your mind while you’re writing it.
Don’t use the keywords for the sake of using the keywords.
For example, having h2 tags surrounding your headlines on your home page… and h1 tags surrounding your headlines on your single post pages.

Step 4: Start using a Feature Box
Feature box comes with opt-in forms to join a list, get access to an offer, or email updates on a subject.
Add a Feature Box above both the content and the sidebar on our home page only.
Inside that feature box, we offered our free ebook

Step 5: Create your first resource page
It’s not a category page, as a category page shows all of your articles.
A resource page is a HAND-SELECTED group of articles around a specific topic.

First, create a landing page.

Second, include both a persuasive headline and introductory content before throwing people into an article list.

Simple Step-By-Step Formula For Creating Resource Pages
Scour through your blog’s archives, and find your best content around that key phrase you’d like to rank for. Write those links down, and proceed on…
Prepare a persuasive headline that encourages people to read your resource page. Don’t just use your key phrase. Use a real headline.
Craft compelling copy to introduce people to your resource page. Talk about a potential problem, and position your hand-selected articles as the solution.
Actually create the WordPress page, and paste your headline, introductory content, and links to your articles in the page.
Change the permalink of your page to match the key phrase you’d like to rank for.

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