Are Your Ads Not Showing Up on

by Erin Gordon

With launching the “decision engine” Bing came a big Bang… popular TV commercials,
increasing media attention, and of course, many questions. One question I have
from clients is why can’t they seem to see their paid search advertisements show
up for terms they normally rank well for?

There could be several factors affecting what you are seeing on your computer.

A system improvement that was implemented to enhance Bing’s search algorithm included a feature that detects the likelihood of a particular user clicking on ads based on their preferences, history and other quality factors. This could affect advertisers not being able to verify that their own ads are showing on Bing easily, due to their usage patterns or history. Currently, you can pull an ad Center keyword performance report to verify that your ads are being served.

Also, in the near future Bing has a planned improvement that would allow advertisers
the functionality to validate if your ad is serving and where.

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