BY Dave Guindon
You may have heard that ebook marketing is old-school stuff and no longer works ..
BUT, that is totally wrong!!
One of my top Joint-Venture partners,Vic Johnson, has actually made $221,000 in a single 24-hour period from one ebook that he didn't even write!!
He describes his method of writing ebooks including how to use to get subject ideas.
In fact, Amazon recently announced that they sell more ebooks than print books!.. and when you consider they have nearly 10 times more print books than ebooks ..
it's a HUGE opportunity with a lot less competition! .. but that's just the tip of the iceburg ...
ebooks are DEAD... or are they?
New Software Shows How To Publish On Kindle Faster
How To Write A Kindle Book
BY Chris Guthrie
I published my first book on the Kindle at the end of September about how to make money as an Amazon Associate. Now after nearly 2 months I wanted to share what I learned from the experience, how many books I’ve sold since then and other advice I’ve learned along the way.
How To Come Up With Book Ideas
The first Kindle book I wrote was on how to make money with Amazon’s affiliate program. Amazon income is what helped me break away from my 9-5 day job in the first place back in 2009 and I already had a solid outline to complete a book on the topic so that’s primarily why I picked it. In my (limited) experience I found the easiest way to pick a book idea was to simply select from a range of topics I already knew a lot about. Having gone this route I’ve since learned that this isn’t always the best idea. Let me explain why…
Are there only a few books competing for your target market? That’s not necessarily a good thing.
I like to draw comparisons between the Kindle book market and competing in Google with SEO because they are fairly similar. When it comes to SEO the process is relatively simple. Find a profitable keyword that is searched frequently and build a website to target that keyword. There’s a lot more to it, but part of what removes a lot of the guess work from this process is because Google provides a tool to determine how many people are searching for a specific keyword phrase; however, there isn’t an Amazon equivalent to see what types of book topics people are searching for. Because no such tool exists you’ve got to look at other factors such as the number of books already published on a topic AND the Kindle sales rank for the books already available:
The problem with my niche is that there simply aren’t enough people on Amazon searching for a book like mine which could be because it’s on a very narrow aspect of the small overall “how to earn money online” market. I’m getting a tad ahead of myself, but simply put I should have paid more attention to the sales data of the existing books within my niche before I decided to write on the topic that I did.
If you’re looking for step by step directions on how to come up with a book idea, analyze what a Kindle book sales rank equates to the number of units sold I highly recommend Steve Scott’s book on How To Discover Non-Fiction Book Ideas.
How To Actually Write The Kindle Book
When it comes to writing anything whether it’s a blog post or in this case a Kindle book I always start with an outline or at the very least a list of all the main points I want to cover. This allows me to simply expand upon the main topics or points I want to cover in my writing. Now when it comes to actually writing the content I like to put in a ton of hours late at night when there are no distractions. I routinely would start writing from 10:00 PM at night and move into 5:00 AM in the morning. This process reminds me of my college years where I’d wait until 12:01 AM at night to start work on a paper that was due that day (and I still got great grades – college is too easy).
If you still have a full time job and are not sure how to make some income on the side I will restate that the best thing I ever did was to put a few hours of work every evening after dinner trying to earn money online. There are probably much better ways to write a book but I have an odd productivity period as a night owl.
How To Format A Kindle Book
You can’t just write a book in MS Word and upload it to Amazon. What I found to be really helpful in the actual book formatting process was following along with this great PDF from Amazon that outlines how to write a book in the proper kindle format here:
How To Format Your Book For Kindle
(You can also watch a really boring, terribly sounding step by step video on that page. They really should have a professional redo these videos).
How To Market A Book
There are books that make money from Amazon by keyword searches (again just like you might try and get traffic from a Google ranking for a website) and this is something you should think about when deciding on what topic to write about as well as the title of your book. With that said, sometimes the most effective way to market a book would be to actually promote it by sending traffic to the book page yourself. For example with my Kindle book I took this as an opportunity to thank all of my blog readers, newsletter subscribers and/or customers an opportunity to download it for free for a limited time. I then marketed to them using my email list and a blog post.
Why Offer The Book For Free At All?
1. Customer appreciation
2. Great way to reach a new audience of readers on the Kindle
3. Helps to get reviews on your book as soon as possible
Overall it’s a really effective marketing tool as well – read this real life case study from a fiction book writer.
Email marketing has always been the most consistently valuable marketing tool at my disposable but the key is to use all of your following (website visitors, Twitter followers etc) to send traffic to your book page.
See the entire article:
Trust Jacking - New Innovative approach for quick results!
BY Dave Guindon
What is "Trust Jacking" ?
.. the idea is to harness the authority of hot trending news articles or other high-traffic sources such as top youtube videos.
.. and you get paid from strategically inserting an affiliate product over the hot trending web page!
And it's VERY clever .. and VERY effective ...
Basically, you install a new WP plugin being offered on the Warrior Forum called "TrustJacker" .
Then you find a hot trending topic using the Google trends tool. Simply search in Google for "Google Trends" to find it...
Next ... you match an article or video with an offer in a CPA network or any desired affiliate network such as Clickbank ..
Lastly ... you pop that into a new Trust Jacking campaign and you start sending traffic to your campaign link...
As a result, your web visitors are sent to the hot trending page ..
.. but when they attempt to leave the page, your affiliate offer will appear!
( Scroll down the page to Watch the YouTube Video )
Higher Conversion Rate on Product Price Comparison shared on your Sites
BY Chris Guthrie
I just heard about a new plugin that is designed to help you get a much higher conversion rate on products you share on your websites.
It's called Azon Conversion Pro and the way this software works is that as a website owner you set the products to check a price on from sources like Amazon (and even Commission Junction or
Linkshare) and then the plugin does an automatic search for the best price to display for the user. The best part is that this search for the best price is visually represented so users can see that they're going to be served up the best price.
The reason why this tactic is so effective is because most people online are always looking for a deal, so in the past without this software they might visit your website and several other websites checking prices before making a decision on where to buy. But by bringing this functionality onto your website and showing users that your website is searching for the best price they're much more likely to end their search once they reach your blog and go through one of your affiliate links (which in turn will give you the commission)
This is a great pre-sell tactic and will be an awesome way to increase conversion rates.
No Mobile Website? You're Probably Turning Customers Away
BY Jason Fell
If you still don't have a mobile-friendly version of your website you're most likely turning away potential customers without knowing it.
Consider the numbers: Nearly half of all U.S. adults use a smartphone, according to recent findings by the Pew Internet and American Life Project. Ninety percent of those smartphone owners say they use the device to check email and surf the web. That's not counting people who use other mobile devices, such as tablets, to access the web.
With mobile internet traffic on the rise, you might think small businesses are developing mobile-friendly websites. But you'd be wrong. Only 26 percent of small businesses have a mobile website. That's a growing problem -- especially for local businesses.
Take, for example, a recent excursion I had with a friend in New York City's Upper West Side. We were on the move, smartphones in hand, looking for a particular restaurant -- which will remain nameless -- to grab a bite to eat. I used my Motorola Droid Razr to look up the restaurant's website but all I saw was a white screen with two links to download PDF files of the lunch and dinner menus.
No contact information. No hours. No easy-to-read menu. Sorry, no business from me.
With more people using their mobile devices to access information about companies, business owners need to think about how their website displays on smartphones and tablets. If content isn't easy to read and access on a smaller screen, customers might go to the next shop down the block instead.
When developing a mobile-friendly website, or a dedicated mobile site, here are some important things to keep in mind:
1. Display your company's most important information at the top in plain text.
This includes your name, address, contact information and perhaps a brief description of what you do.
2. Don't include Flash-based videos on your mobile site!
Many devices don't support Flash. Plus, video eats up data and can take a long time to load.
3. Make information easy to read on a small screen.
Don't complicate navigation across several pages, and don't make users download PDFs. The more straightforward, the better.