Social Media Marketing: Where to Begin?

The buzz on social media is that small businesses are succeeding more and more, thanks to websites like Facebook and Twitter. Of course, the buzz is all over because of social media websites.
There are many reasons to utilize social media for marketing, as many business owners are already aware. Beginning to advertise can be stressful enough, but finding how and where you’re going to market is another step in the direction of confusing.

To make matters worse, with all of the social media outlets available, you’re left with the mind-blowing question: where the heck do you start?
Knowing the pros and cons of the social media outlets available for marketing can help provide assistance in choosing where to begin your advertisement process.

Facebook is usually the first place to begin advertising and marketing on, because it is used so often on a daily basis by a number of users, including you.
Some of the pros for marketing on Facebook are:
  • Marketing on Facebook makes it easy to target an audience. In fact, Facebook now has ads that appear in the suggested interest of each user, so targeting is almost inevitable.
  • With the continuously growing use of apps on Facebook, choosing the right apps can help promote your business. A lot of the apps available are great for driving traffic towards your page.
  • Facebook allows users to easily access information about your business as well as its employees and owners. It can give you the option to remain personal or completely anonymous when uploading information onto your business page.
  • Commenting and sharing gives users the option to spread the word about your business or company, bringing more potential clients your way.
Cons of Facebook marketing are:
  • A lot of communication is required, especially if users are consistently sending messages to your company. Your lack of a response can make the consumer think you’re unavailable or not interested in their business.
  • It is time consuming to set up the perfect page as well as respond to all of your followers.
  • You must pay to advertise on Facebook and their advertisement prices vary.
Pinterest is another new and developing social media outlet to market through.
Some of the pros are:
  • Marketing is mainly visual. This allows the readers to get the picture rather than reading through a boatload of text.
  • The audience available to market through seems endless. There are so many different kinds of people who use Pinterest, so the ability to market to people you hadn’t intended is possible.
  • Whatever your business or company is selling or marketing can be specifically searched, making it easy to find. If the user types it in, or even a keyword attached to it, it can be found.
  • Your pins can get lost or go unseen. It’s almost like rankings on search engines. If they’re not frequently viewed or re-pinned, it’s almost like they disappear.
  • Your page requires a lot of updating because users want to see new pins from you regularly or you’re just another follower on their list of friends.
  • Liking and repining can get confusing and may not actually bring the attention your page needs.
  • The rules of Pinterest read along the lines of ‘no self-promotion’. This can make things fairly difficult.
Last, but certainly not least, is Twitter. Twitter users can be a great audience to market to.
Some of the pros are:
  • Tweets are easy to see because they immediately pop up and are not hidden by other posts or long written stories from other users.
  • Everything is straight and to the point. Whatever it is you’re trying to say, the reader will be able to digest because of the 140 character limit.
  • The Twitter world is like Pinterest: endless. There are so many users on Twitter, many of whom are willing to follow anyone because of their following count.
  • The 140 character limit can also make it difficult to get in what you need to, to persuade interest to your business.
  • Twitter is not good for visuals. Unless you’re a celebrity or close friend, clicking on links to visit the picture is almost too inconvenient.
  • Twitter must pre-approve you to promote your business. Like Pinterest, that can make things very difficult if you’re unsure of the process.


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